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SubjectRe: reiserfs 3.6 problem with test9
Le mer 12/11/2003 à 15:45, Samium Gromoff a écrit :
> > > Last time I had a box with similar problems it was memory. I'd put
> > > your system through a memtest.
> >
> > thanks for your answer.
> > I did as you said but no problem (memtest 3.0).
> For how long did you run the test?
> It is known that often a 24-hour memtest is not enough to find real world
> memory failures.
> Also it is known that gcc (yeah you`ll wonder) is much better at finding them,
> so there`s the question: do you compile stuff often, and if so, whether
> gcc bails out with "internal error" messages sometimes?
> Also, if i were you i would do the following:
> bash-2.05b$ dd if=/dev/urandom of=test bs=1048576 count=1024
> bash-2.05b$ bzip2 test
> bash-2.05b$ bunzip2 test.bz2
> And if you have a memory failure bzip2 checksumming would show that up on the
> bunzip2 stage.
> regards, Samium Gromoff

thanks for your answer.
I ran memtest for a whole night yesterday (again) : nothing.
I have never had any problem with gcc. execpt that sometimes after a big
compiling I have some files damaged but _they_are_not_the_ones_used_
by_gcc_. they always are in another directory.
I ran the test with dd and bzip2 : no problem.

Yet I'm afraid it is too late. I switched to ext3 today as my all system
was gradually becoming unusable after compiling large apps. I was fed up
with rebuilding partitions.

Now, it runs fine. but it might not mean anything about my hardware ...
I 'll try this.

Anyway I'm willing to explore the problem; in particular because some
other people seem to have the same problem.
Moreover reiserfs is faster. I liked it and I'd like to come back to it.

Note: I kept the original reiserfs partition with the errors. So if
someone needs any log to figure out where the problem comes from I have
everything at hand. I'm also willing to perform other tests.

Philippe Rouquier.

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