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SubjectRe: USB-keyboard not recognized when not connected during startup
Quoting Otto Wyss <>:
> Please CC, I'm not subscribed.
> I use an USB-keyboard via an USB-switchbox on 2 computers (PC and Mac).
> When I boot into Windows or MacOS9 it doesn't matter whether my USB is
> connected, the keyboard gets recognized when the connection happens. Not
> so on Linux (PC), there the keyboard gets only recognized if it's
> connected during startup. If I forget to switch the keyboard to the PC
> before I start Linux, it isn't recognized and unusable. This is mostly
> annoying because I can't get rid of my AT-keyboard and just use the
> USB-keyboard, a none working keyboard is identical to a system crash!
> When the USB-keyboard is connected during startup everything is okay.
> I've seen this behavior with my Debian (sarge) system running my own
> built kernel 2.4.21 with USB input and keyboard drivers compiled in. I
> also see this problem when running Knoppix live CD, therefore it's
> common to any Debian based system, probably to any Linux system.
> Is this problem, not recognizing an USB-keyboard when not connected
> during startup, know and is there a solution for it? Is there a solution
> in the upcoming 2.6 kernel?
> If anyone wants to test this and has a desktop system with USB, just
> disconnect your normal keyboard, start the system and connect an
> USB-keyboard after the login prompt is shown. You could use the keyboard
> of a Mac if you don't have any. Also your kernel has to have
> USB-input/USB-HID and USB-keyboard support compiled in.
> O. Wyss

Have you tried installing hotplug? That should automatically load the
modules/devices needed when you plug it in after boot.


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Eric Sandall | Source Mage GNU/Linux Developer | | SysAdmin @ Inst. Shock Physics @ WSU #196285 |

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