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SubjectRe: A7N8X (Deluxe) Madness
> > I'd guess one is locking up due to hard disk load,
> > and the other is locking up due to automatic suspend/standby issues.
> > Can you verify that the ac kernel isn't locking up due to a 'screensaver'
> > type problem?
> Interesting question. I also thought about that one. However,
> regarding X, the machine sometimes crashes before the X Server
> screensaver (nothing special there, just the built in one that turns
> the screen black) is clearing the screen and sometimes afterwards. If
> it crashes afterwards, I can of course not see when it crashed, since
> I don't see the clock on the screen anymore.
> And there's nothing else which I could think of. I have resetted the
> spinout time for the harddisks to "never" (for different reasons) and
> I don't think that there's any power saving stuff enabled in BIOS
> setup. I'll check that. However, I'm afraid there really isn't any
> screensaver or powersaving thing within my system, of course for the
> standard X screensaver, which doesn't seem related to it.

Indeed however I didn't mean the X server xscreensaver and family - I
meant the BIOS DPMS, kernel console saver, etc functionality. I had this
kind of problem with my stationary computer (it locked solid when the
screen was blanked) with some older kernel version (around 2.4.9). I
think kernel screen saveing can be turned off with some sort of escape

$ man console_codes
ESC [ 9 ; n ] where n is screen blank timeout in minutes
ESC [ 13 ] to unblank
ESC [ 14 ; n ] to set the VESA powerdown interval in minutes
so try something like
echo -e "\e[13]\e[9;10080]\e[14;10080]"
to make it blank after a week and see if it still locks.
You can also try turning of VESA/DPMS blanking in the Bios.


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