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SubjectRe: 2.6.0-test9-mm2
I've been getting a couple of audio skips with 2.6.0-test9-mm2. Haven't heard a 
skip since test4 or so, so I'm assuming this is a result of the IO scheduler tweaks.

Here's how I can produce a skip:
Running X, general usage (e.g. couple of xterms, an emacs, maybe a
I switch to the first virtual console with Ctrl+Alt+F1. I then switch back to X
with Alt+F7. As X is redrawing the screen, the audio skips once.
This happens most of the time, but its easier to reproduce when i am compiling
something, and also when I cycle through the virtual consoles before switching
back to X.

AMD XP2600+
nForce2 motherboard
nvidia GeForce4 Ti4800

Audio being played through the intel8x0 alsa module.
I use the nvidia binary graphics driver with X.

XMMS 1.2.8
XFree 4.3.0

If theres any other info I can give, please tell me and I'll do my best to help out.

Andrew Morton wrote:
> - Various random fixes. Maybe about half of these are 2.6.0-worthy.
> - Some improvements to the anticipatory IO scheduler and more readahead
> tweaks should help some of those database benchmarks.
> The anticipatory scheduler is still a bit behind the deadline scheduler
> in these random seeky loads - it most likely always will be.
> - "A new driver for the ethernet interface of the NVIDIA nForce chipset,
> licensed under GPL."
> Testing of this would be appreciated. Send any reports to linux-kernel
> or and Manfred will scoop them up, thanks.
> - I shall be offline for a couple of days.

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