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SubjectRe: RFC: changes to microcode update driver.
On Tue, 7 Oct 2003, Giacomo A. Catenazzi wrote:
> Is microcode_ctl still maintained? I've made some correction/extentions but now
> new from the maintainer.

Yes, I believe Simon is alive and well. (but busy, as we all are)

> Intel give us the new microcode? I had contact with the new contact/maintainer/?
> person in Intel, but still no new microcode since summer 2001. So maybe before
> changing the driver, could you check the Intel vision about Linux and microcode?

I am communicating with Intel guys from time to time and there are some
interesting changes from Intel in the pipeline to update the driver, but I
thought it is worthwhile to cleanup and throw away unnecessary bits before
applying a major update (otherwise we would be wasting time debugging an
update to code which is no longer needed).

As for the microcode data itself, no, I haven't received anything new from
Intel yet but please be patient. I have received unofficial latest
"hacked" version of microcode data from someone (outside Intel) but it
will not be uploaded because it will cause support problems both to Intel
and myself.

I find it is wiser to be friendly with Intel than to annoy them with
constant questions "where is the latest microcode data" :)

Kind regards

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