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SubjectProfiling disk usage on selected branches of a file system
I have a number of servers that are disk-bound, and I'm trying to convince 
the boss to split out the single disk drive to separate disk drives to
increase I/O throughput. I've been using VMSTAT to show just how
disk-bound we are, but I can't get any traction toward using multiple
drives until I can show a clear, positive, and immediate benefit.

Searching the archives, I didn't see discussion of methods of monitoring
separate parts of a file system, other than building separate partitions
and using /proc/partitions to measure what happens there. This isn't an
option. (There is some political inertia here, as well as a heavy dose of

Any help welcome.

My hypothesis: we need three separate drives, one for OS/code/swap/logs,
one for /home (Web pages, scripts, and user data), and one devoted to
MySQL/PostgreSQL. The "right" way to do the job would be to have the
databases on a completely separate computer, but that's out because of
proprietary-software issues.

You can see the Catch-22.

Put together a single server to try the concept? "Please, you must be
joking, Our servers are working just fine!"

grumble grumble NIH grumble grumble


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