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SubjectRe: Circular Convolution scheduler
Ok, I'll admit my ignorance.  What is circular convolution?  Where can 
I learn more?


Clayton Weaver wrote:
> Though the mechanism is doubtless familiar
> to signal processing and graphics implementers,
> it's probably not thought of much in a
> process scheduling contex (although there was
> the Evolution Scheduler of a few years ago,
> whose implementer may have had something like
> circular convolution in mind). It just seems to me
> (intuition) that the concept of what circular convolution does is akin to what we've been
> feeling around for with these ad hoc heuristic
> tweaks to the scheduler to adjust for interactivity
> and batch behavior, searching for an incremental self-adjusting mechanism that favors interactivity
> on demand.
> I've never implemented a circular convolver in
> any context, so I was wondering if anyone who
> has thinks scheduler prioritization would be
> simpler if implemented directly as a circular convolution.
> (If nothing else, it seems to me that the abstract model of what the schedule prioritizer is doing
> would be more coherent than it is with ad hoc
> code. This perhaps reduces the risk of unexpected side-effects of incremental tweaks to the scheduler. The behavior of an optimizer that implements
> an integer approximation of a known mathematical transform when you change its inputs is fairly predictable.)
> Regards,
> Clayton Weaver
> <mailto:>

George Anzinger
Preemption patch:

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