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SubjectRe: Idea for improving linux buffer cache behaviour
1. A problem is o_direct is broken and/or confused with
file systems. There is a misguided micro-optimization
that requires page alignment and sector alignment and
size. Even if broken DMA or controllers require these,
O_DIRECT need not. O_DIRECT is about the cache.

2. Even when O_DIRECT requires a bounce buffer, it need
not wipe memory, it could easily confine itself to 1-4
buffers and even support read ahead. Then DVDs could
be mounted O_DIRECT by default.

3. Buffer management has become a DOS on Linux leaving
disk bound programs with the disk light off for ten
seconds at a crack. Writing is worst of all.

Helge Hafting wrote:

> On Sat, Oct 04, 2003 at 10:34:58PM -0700, Mike Fedyk wrote:
>>On Sat, Oct 04, 2003 at 03:14:14PM -0400, Rik van Riel wrote:
>>>On Sat, 4 Oct 2003, David Ashley wrote:
>>>>Forgive me if this has already been thought of, or is obsolete, or is
>>>>just plain a bad idea, but here it is:
>>>Do you also want an answer if the kernel already does
>>>exactly what you are suggesting ? ;)
>>Then why doesn't it work better?
>>>>1) Lowest access count looked at first to toss
>>>>2) If access counts equal, throw out oldest first
>>>>The net result is commonly used items you very much want to remain in
>>>>cache always quickly get rated very highly as the system is used.
>>>Which results in exactly the behaviour you're complaining
>>>about ;))
>>So, you use the system, have glibc loaded, and then play a dvd, and now
>>glibc needs to be re-read because it's not in cache.
>>Why wasn't glibc (one example) kept in cache with the streaming read from
>>the dvd?
> There may be many reasons here, take a look at how many times the
> dvd contents were used. You may get a surprise there.
> The number ought to be 1, right? But the burner program may read
> smaller chunks or something, causing many references to the same block.
> Also, the number-of-references approach has its own problems.
> Something that is used a lot for a while will stay in cache for
> a long while when no longer used, taking up space. That can be
> a problem too - i.e. run some large simulation which fill up
> memory for a while, and nothing else stays in cache afterwards.
> Helge Hafting
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