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    SubjectRe: rfc: test whether a device has a partition table
    LT> If you have unusual cases (and let's face it, they don't much happen - we
    LT> have traditionally had _very_ few problems with getting things partitioned)
    LT> then you should be able to override them from user space and have user space
    LT> be able to tell the kernel about special partitions.
    LT> And hey, surprise surprise, you can do exactly that.
    LT> Also, surprise surprise, pretty much nobody actually does it. Because the
    LT> defaults are so sane.

    Well, I have had difficulties with this twice during last year. Both
    times it was a partitioned CD. One was a Mac CD (IIRC), the other was an
    IRIX 6.2 installation CD with SGI disklabel and EFS partition. I got the
    first to work but never had success with the other (probably a user
    error). fdisk found the partitions fine but gave hints of a different
    blocksize (2048 vs 512). I tried to set up the partition with devmapper
    (dmsetup create ...) but I could never mount the resulting partitions.
    Perhaps it was a EFS filesystem driver blocksize bug, perhaps something
    with my manual setup.

    But I would not say the defaults have been sufficient for _me_.

    Meelis Roos (
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