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SubjectRe: swap and 2.4.20
So it's accurate to say that you can turn of swapping (by having no swap 
space), but you can't turn off paging.

One upshot of this is that the disk your root is on must be always available.

I have a real interest in this, because I have a consulting client who uses
Linux on an embedded product. They were testing the product in a rough
situation, and the CF card that they used to boot the system from came out of
the slot. However, the machine kept running.

I would assume that since its programs were loaded, and it was unlikely to be
starting new ones, it was just happily working, and would have until some
random event would have caused it to try and do some paging. I assume that
paging out wouldn't hurt anything, because that would just be flipping a bit
in a table somewhere.

Does this mean that you could replace a library out from under a running but
largely paged out app, and have it suddenly switch to the new library?
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