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SubjectRe: RadeonFB [Re: 2.4.23pre8 - ACPI Kernel Panic on boot]
Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:

>Ok, first thing: XFree "radeon" _is_ accelerated, though it doesn't
>do 3D on recent cards
Hi Ben - Right, sorry, I mean to apply "accelerated" to the 3D effects;
the private ATI driver is much faster on glxgears than the version that
bundles with XFree.

>Then, the problem you are having is well known
I'm having two, actually. The first is that YPAN is getting quite
confused. If I switch VCs, then switch back, the text has been
re-arranged, the cursor is often invisible, and sometimes a page or two
of new text must be written before anything starts to show up on the
screen again. Experimenting shows that setting VYRES = YRES works
around this problem.

The second problem is of course the register contents issue when
returning from certain graphics programs (e.g. X+fglr) to text mode.. I
rather like your idea of doing a re-init when switching from KD_GRAPHICS
to KD_TEXT, as the monitor blank during resolution switch will likely
overshadow the re-init process.

>Can you verify that running fbset -accel 0 then back 1 cures the
>problem for you ?

At work now, will try when I return home later...


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