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SubjectRe: Post-halloween doc updates.
> > And APM suspend seems to have broken in -test8.  Does it work for
> > anyone?
> Doesn't work for me.
works for me. it isn't rock solid as in 2.4 but most times it resumes
without problems even using dma on ide controller (in 2.4 i should
disable dma before suspend and couldn't enable it later).

> Now, taking off my "open source co-operative hat" and placing my
> "reality" hat on, I'd suggest that anyone who finds that APM doesn't
> work to consider it a dead loss - It's an obsolete technology, and
> therefore no one is interested in it anymore. I've reported the
> problem multiple times here and there's been very little, if any,
> reaction, so this seems to back that up.
i guess it isn't exactly the problem. maybe there's no _developers_ with
time and skills to work on it. i would do it if i have enough skills.
when stock 2.6 comes out we'll have a lot of people complaining
about APM because there a lot of notebooks out there that still needs
it. including mine.


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