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SubjectRe: Things that Longhorn seems to be doing right
On Thu, 2003-10-30 at 18:48, Theodore Ts'o wrote:

> The bottom line is that if a case can be made that some portion of the
> functionality required by WinFS needs to be in the kernel, and in the
> filesystem layer specifically, I'm all in favor of it. But it has to

What about some way to quickly detect changes to the filesystem. That
would really help any type of indexing function to avoid scanning the
entire disk.

It would help things like backup and even the locate database.

It could be something simple as a modification number that increased
with every change combined with a size limited list of what every change
was. Then every indexing task could just store what the modification
number was last time it did it's work compare that number to the current
number and read all the changes from the change log. If the stored
modification number had fallen out of the log it has to go over the
entire filesystem but that would not have to happen that often with a
big enough log.

Probably some optimisation have to be done to keep the log small you do
not want to store every putc as a separate event.

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