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SubjectRe: Cyclic Scheduler for linux
First Name wrote:

>Just like Linux has round robin, FIFO and other
>scheduling policies inside the kernel, I would like to
>provide a cyclic/clock driven scheduling policy to
>linux. Meaning all set of tasks should be able to use
>this policy. This should include any Java threads
>also. JVM by itslef provides a priority driven policy
>to its threads. JVM sits on the kernel. Modification
>to JVM is also required to schedule threads
>cyclically. But first I am trying to get this working
>with the kernel and then later with JVM.
>If you need any more information, I will be glad to
>provide them.
>I would like to direct you to a website of a course
>offered at Cornell university where this assignment is
>posted. I want to achieve something similar to this.
>Here is the link to that website.
>Please Help me.

Please stop sending this email, it sometimes takes people a day or
two to reply. That said, you would be better off asking your lecturer
or a tutor for help. However, I suggest you study and understand
kernel/sched.c to start with.


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