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SubjectRe: as_arq scheduler alloc with 2.6.0-test8-mm1

Mr Amit Patel wrote:

>Hi Andrew,
>The qlogic driver is for Fibre Channel HBA QLA2342.
>This is a beta driver which is part of the mjb1 patch
>against 2.6.0-test8. As a part of driver insmod,
>driver tries to find fiber channel device and maps it
>to scsi block device. Actually I don't have any fibre
>channel target attached, so driver does not find any
>scsi devices and discovery finishes without adding any
>block device.
>I am trying to go through driver scsi_scan process and
>see when does actual allocation from as_arq happens.
>But for some reason after going to kgdb I get SIGEMT
>and I cannot debug further. What is causing SIGEMT
>cause after doing some search looks like its actually
>SIGUSR but linux treats it as SIGEMT. Is there any way
>to prevent SIGEMT when I want to use kgdb ?
>Thanks for your help,

Hi Amit,

I'm a little bit busy to look at this now, however someone
is looking into all these refcounting problems.

If you would like to narrow it down a bit, check that the
request queues that are allocated are all released when the
driver is unloaded (drivers/block/ll_rw_blk.c blk_alloc_queue
and blk_cleanup_queue). Just stick a couple of printks there
if your debugger isn't working.

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