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SubjectRe: srfs - a new file system.
On Thu, 23 Oct 2003 14:20:21 +0900, Miles Bader said:

> Distributed version control systems, OTOH, because they're at a somewhat
> higher level, have the huge advantage of distinct operational boundaries
> which are exposed the user and can be used to manage the distribution.
> Since users are used to these boundaries, and they usually occur at
> fairly obvious and reasonable places, this isn't such a burden on the
> users.

On the flip side, a filesystem only has to worry about who wrote which blocks
in what order. I suspect if you tried to push the idea of a filesystem that did
the sort of intuiting of intent that BitKeeper has to do on a merge, it would
quickly get shouted down.

Unless of course somebody does BK as a Reiser4 module. :)
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