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    SubjectRe: [PATCH] 3/3 Dynamic cpufreq governor and updates to ACPI P-state driver
    On Tue, 2003-10-21 at 04:56, Pallipadi, Venkatesh wrote:
    > Patch 3/3: New dynamic cpufreq driver (called
    > DemandBasedSwitch driver), which periodically monitors CPU
    > usage and changes the CPU frequency based on the demand.

    it's all nice code and such, but I still wonder why this can't be done
    by a userland policy daemon. The 2.6 kernel has the infrastructure to
    give very detailed information to userspace (eg top etc) about idle
    percentages...... I didn't see anything in this driver that couldn't be
    done from userspace.

    Note that I'm not totally against doing some of this in the kernel; I
    can well see the point of say, detecting an IRQ overload and based on
    that, go to max speed in the kernel because it's a situation where
    userspace doesn't even run; but the patch as is doesn't do any such
    advanced things...
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