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    SubjectRe: Suspend with 2.6.0-test7-mm1
    Patrick Mochel wrote:
    >>Now, I wonder, what is causing the kernel to exit from the suspend
    >>immediately? Is it error in suspend code, drivers that doesn't support
    >>suspend or some program that is interrupting the sleep? How do I debug
    >>this further?
    > Are you using ACPI? If so, could you please send the output of
    > /proc/acpi/sleep? If not, then standby will not work for you at this time.

    (david@hansolo:~)$ cat /proc/acpi/sleep
    S0 S3 S4 S5

    I am using ACPI and it seems to work fine (no error messages on boot,
    able to read battery status, AC adapter status and shutdown/reboot using

    I seem to recall that "standby" is S1 in ACPI terms. Does the lack of
    "S1" in the above list mean that my hardware doesn't support standby or
    that the kernel doesn't?

    Also, just to make sure, for the "mem" suspend function, it doesn't
    matter if the kernel is compiled with CONFIG_PM_DISK or
    CONFIG_SOFTWARE_SUSPEND or none of them, right? Only CONFIG_ACPI_SLEEP

    David Härdeman

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