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SubjectRe: Circular Convolution scheduler
In article <>,
Nick Piggin <> wrote:

| I don't know anything about it, but I don't see what exactly you'd be
| trying to predict: the kernel's scheduler _dictates_ scheduling behaviour,
| obviously. Also, "best use of system resources" wrt scheduling is a big
| ask considering there isn't one ideal scheduling pattern for all but the
| most trivial loads, even on a single processor computer (fairness, latency,
| priority, thoughput, etc). Its difficult to even say one pattern is better
| than another.

I suspect that you've gotten hold of the wrong end of this stick... I
would assume that you start by stating which pattern is better, then use
the analysis to determine which of the possible actions is most likely
to make the pattern match the target. By pattern I mean response vs.
throughput, and similar tradeoffs.

This assumes:
- that I understood what the o.p. meant
- that the past is a useful predictor of the future

In any case, I think this scheduler proposal is interesting, I'd love to
see a working version.
bill davidsen <>
CTO, TMR Associates, Inc
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