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SubjectRe: Panic with mounting CD in 2.6.0test8
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 07:11:40 -0500 Ian <> wrote:

| Hash: SHA1
| I'm getting a kernel panic in running 2.6.0test8 which I just compiled
| today.
| After chatting this up with #Kernelnewbies, erikm told me to post here.
| Attempt to mount a particular CD, which I'm thinking is just an ordinary
| data CD.
| It could be a VCD, but then I would suspect it would play on my DVD player.
| Windows sees it as a data disk with one big AVI file on it.
| Anyway, I was impressed by the magical symbol lookups in the crash dump,
| but I really just want to mount my CD.
| I am not subscribed to this list, so please CC me on any correspondence.
| I will gladly help debug this.

So you can open/explore the CD in Windows?

The call stack could have scrolled off of the top of the screen.
If not, then cdrom_start_read() called cdrom_start_packet_command(),
but there's not enough info to see what went haywire in
cdrom_start_packet_command() or whether that latter function
called cdrom_start_read_continuation() which then erred or if
it called something which fumbled. So if you can get more/better
info (from kernel log or serial console etc.), that would be very

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