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SubjectRe: [2.6 patch] add a config option for -Os compilation
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 18:57:05 +0200, Maciej Zenczykowski said:

> and zebra is an app - but they are still mainly kernel oriented. The
> first 3 depend only on kernel speed and the next 2 depend mostly on kernel
> speed. I'd say you just proved how important kernel optimilization is for
> routers.

And we had a flame-fest a while ago about poll/epoll/etc and how optimizing
that is important for some applications., and discussions of how CPU scheduling
affects desktop applications, and how different I/O schedulers matter to
databases, and....

My point was that the kernel is there for the application's benefit (otherwise
we could have just said 'echo "main() { for(;;){}}" > linux.c' and been done
with it), and just because the iptables or route command say "do this" and
return, and the kernel is still "doing this" weeks later, doesn't change the
fact that it's happening at the application's request (although you *are*
correct that the tuning and optimization concerns are different).

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