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SubjectRe: HighPoint 374

>>There really must be some explanation why some of us are
>>having really huge problems with HPT374-contollers while for
>>others it's working just fine. I haven't exactly heard anyone
>>been too succesfull for example with Epox 8K9A3+ motherboard
>>even on this mailing-list based on previous questions seen here.
> well, it's not an Epox 8k9a3+ here, but an 8k5a3+ with two HPT374 onboard
> and it is working well with recent 2.6.0-test* kernels.
> I also just use JBOD - only one disk connected as /dev/hde to the first
> HPT 374,
> an IBM-DTLA-305040, and I really don't see any probs here.

Ok, this is good to know. Have you ever tried 2.4 based kernels with
that motherboard ? Also, have you ever tried running multiple
drives with that controller ? Somehow I still have this feeling
that with only one disk connected to a HPT374-controller it might
work without problems, while with multiple disks it becomes
unstable (this is the case with a a friends Epox 4PCA3+
based machine in addition to my two machines).

Can you perhaps send me off-the-list your .config and output of
/proc/interrupts so that I could compare those to mine ?

Tomi Orava

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