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SubjectRe: [PATCH] EXT3 extents against 2.6.0-test7
Alex Tomas wrote:
> On Fri, 17 Oct 2003 16:13:51 -0400
> Ed Sweetman <> wrote:
>>How am i supposed to know which directory in the fs this corruption
>>takes place in? I can tell you the size of the partitions that have
>>extents enabled, From that error message i dont even know which
>>partition it was. And judging by the dmesg last modified time, this
>>happened 2 days ago
> OK. the question wasn't clear.
> 1) could you _estimate_ max directory size or number of entries in single
> directory on your filesystems, please? had you large directories?
> 100, 300, 500 or more entries?

none of my directories have more than 60 or so entries. I keep
everything very organized on my hdds. The largest directories would be
the ones holding the largest files but that maxes out at around 60 file
entries. i formatted those partitions with a 4KB inode size.

outside of the two partitions with extents enabled though.... I'm not
sure if i have any seriously large directories in my other partitions.
And their inode size varies from 1KB to 4Kb depending on what type of
content they're expected to have .

> 2) did you use 2.6.0-test7+extents or some another patches?

The only other patches i have are related to fbdev and directfb.
Otherwise it's a vanilla 2.6.0-test7 + extents patch that you posted for it.

> 3) could you describe workload. knowing it I'd try to reproduce this

Workload on those partitions at the time? It cant be anything more than
mplayer reading a movie or writing a movie to disk. And the writes
would be at about 20MB/sec avg (ext3 to ext3 both with extents) from one
drive (the partitions happen to be on separate drives) to the other. The
transferrate spikes at 30MB/sec at start and stays at around 20MB/sec
for upwards up 1GB for a file.

Nothing else is done on those partitions. System wise though, what
caused the crash to occur was updatedb, which does a find on every
filesystem off of /. This is what was running when the error occured,
and it didn't happen this morning when it happened again, the error i
mean. I have dma enabled so updatedb doesn't cause significant
schedular issues due to cpu usage. That's all that was going on at the

>>Isn't it possible though that this happened in one of the non-extents
>>enabled partitions though? Since they still have the ability to read
>>extents in files, they have to try and look them up every time for
>>everything dont they? Anyways, the two partitions above are the only
>>ones i actually enable extents on.
> extents take place only if flag in inode->i_flags is set. that flag can
> be set only during inode creation on extents-enabled filesystem.
> with best wishes, Alex

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