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SubjectRe: Software RAID5 with 2.6.0-test
On Fri, Oct 17, 2003 at 09:18:24PM +0200, Måns Rullgård wrote:
> Samuel Flory <> writes:
> > many clock cycles availble to it. It's even worse when you realize
> > the 2Ghz xeon is a better proccessor in many more ways than just
> > clock cycles.
> How about this logic:
> 1) If the processor on the RAID controller can handle the full
> bandwidth of the disks, it's fast enough.
> 2) If someone else does the 10% work, the CPU can do 10% more work.

3) You have a four year old machine - one day the RAID controller dies.
The company that produced it has been acquired by someone else, and
the product is no longer availble. Can you get a new adapter with
firmware that can actually read your disks? Or are your data lost?
Can you find a replacement controller on e-bay? And would you want

Anyway, not wanting to spread more FUD than stricly necessary: It's a
matter of cost/benefit and risk management. Everyone has their
personal preferences on this - and even if it wasn't so, let's not
begin to pretend that there is a simple answer to what's "best".

: : And I see the elder races, :
:.........................: putrid forms of man :
: Jakob Østergaard : See him rise and claim the earth, :
: OZ9ABN : his downfall is at hand. :
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