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SubjectRe: Unbloating the kernel, was: :mem=16MB laptop testing
On Tue, 2003-10-14 18:33:49 +0100, John Bradford <>
wrote in message <>:
> No, 2.6 should run on a 4MB 386 with no significant performance
> penalty against 2.0, in my opinion.

Achtually, with HZ at around 100 (or oven 70..80), an old i386 or i486
will *start* just fine, at least at 8MB. However, over some days /
weeks, the machine gets slower and slower (my testdrive: my 90MHz
P-Classic with 16MB). Even with that "much" RAM, I get hit by whatever
slows down the machine. I *think* that it's the MM subsystem, but I'm
really not skilled enough with it to blame it:)


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