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SubjectRe: [x86] Access off the bottom of stack causes a segfault?
Chris Lattner wrote:

>My compiler is generating accesses off the bottom of the stack (address
>below %esp). Is there some funny kernel interaction that I should be
>aware of with this? I'm periodically getting segfaults.
>int main() {
> int test[4000];
> return 0;
>Generated code:
> .intel_syntax
> mov DWORD PTR [%ESP - 16004], %EBP # Save EBP to stack
> mov %EBP, %ESP # Set up EBP
> sub %ESP, 16004 # Finally adjust ESP
> lea %EAX, DWORD PTR [%EBP - 16000] # Get the address of the array
> mov %EAX, 0 # Setup return value
> mov %ESP, %EBP # restore ESP
> mov %EBP, DWORD PTR [%ESP - 16004] # Restore EBP from stack
> ret
>This seems like perfectly valid X86 code (though unconventional), but it
>is causing segfaults pretty consistently (on the first instruction).
>Does the linux kernel assume that page faults will be above the stack
>pointer if the stack needs to be expanded?
From arch/i386/mm/fault.c:
* accessing the stack below %esp is always a bug.
* The "+ 32" is there due to some instructions (like
* pusha) doing post-decrement on the stack and that
* doesn't show up until later..
if (address + 32 < regs->esp)
goto bad_area;

Brian Gerst

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