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SubjectRe: [INFO] gcc versions used to compile a kernel

Dear Sebastian,

This is very interesting as I've been compiling kernels with GCC 3.2.0
and higher since the first beta I compiled. I've never had the issues
that you are describing with kernel 2.5.70 and higher and 2.6.0 test 1>
6. This most likly is a machine related problem. Which Linux distibution
are you using and how uptodate is the rest of the machine.

Best regards,


Sebastian Piecha wrote:

>The last days I had a lot of trouble getting different kernel
>versions to run. Enclosed is a short report of the experience I made.
>First I tried to compile all kernels with gcc 3.3.1.
>2.4.20 I even couldn't compile.
>2.4.22-ac4 compiled well but oopsed immediately after booting.
>2.6.0-test4 and test5 compiled well but didn't boot and froze with a
>blank screen.
>2.6.0-test6 compiled well but froze after starting /sbin/init.
>Then I used gcc 2.95.3 for compiling 2.4.20, 2.4.22-ac4 and 2.6.0-
>test7 and all kernels booted smoothly.
>It's seems that at least in my configuration gcc 3.3.1 is doing a bad
>Mit freundlichen Gruessen/Best regards,
>Sebastian Piecha
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