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SubjectDeja vu...
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I vaguely remember back at the end of 1998 the 
big "let's ship 2.2" push crescendoed towards the end of the year after two
and a half years of development, there was the big push to ship it by
christmas, then by new years, and after missing both deadlines it shipped a
dot-zero release in january 1999, followed shortly thereafter by a "brown
paper bag" bugfix release.

The big "let's ship 2.4" push crescendoed towards the end of 2000, after
about two and a half years of development (give or take the 2.2 stabilization
period before 2.3 forked off), there was a big push to ship it by christmas,
then by new years, and after missing both deadlines it shipped a dot-zero at
the start of january 2001, followed by the brown paper bag...

It's now coming up on two and a half years of development towards 2.6. It's
getting towards the end of the year. (I take Linus is aiming to have the 2.6
release out by this christmas? ;)

Does this seem kind of familiar to anyone else...?


(I don't remember if 2.1 had a new feature freeze a year or so before the
final code freeze the way 2.3 and 2.5 did, but it does seem we've got a
pattern going here. But then I'm sleep-deprived right now, and could easily
be imagining it...)

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