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    SubjectRe: APIC error on SMP machine
     --- James Cleverdon <> wrote:
    > An APIC send accept error means that when trying to
    > send an interrupt, it was not accepted by the
    > In this case, the target is a CPU, either your other
    > CPU or the same one (a CPU can send itself an
    > interrupt).
    > 3) Maybe the other CPU is broken and physically
    > cannot accept the interrupt.

    Given the background, the most likely cause would seem
    to be bad a CPU/motherboard connection. I have
    realised that the APIC error is for CPU1, but I have
    actually removed CPU0. And a bad CPU0 would explain
    why "nosmp" didn't work either.

    It's a pity that "nosmp" doesn't (logially cannot?)
    take a "boot CPU number" as a parameter.

    > Do any previous kernels boot?

    Not any more. Everything started to hit the fan at the
    beginning of August, and I thought that I had
    "patched" things by underclocking the FSB. However,
    that only seems to have delayed the inevitable. CPU
    slot 2 on my motherboard just seems not to work any
    more. I have no idea why - it's not like I can see a
    lot of dust and dirt in there.

    Oh well, I hear that Dell are selling dual 2.6 GHz
    Xeons with RedHat preinstalled nowadays. (These should
    have "hyperthreading support", right ;-) ?)


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