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SubjectRe: [ACPI] p2b-ds blacklisted?
> I would like to try what happens if i remove the board from the 
> blacklist.

So that was what i just did. I removed the board from the blacklist,
recompiled the kernel and booted.
The kernel started and there were some issues with the interrupt
routing. I don't remember the exact messages but i could post a dmesg if
you like.
With "pci=noapci" the computer hang upon loading the kernel module for
the SCSI controller. I remember that to be an issue too when i had
windows2k installed on that box but i could "fix" that by changing the
IRC setting in the BIOS. Changing those settings didn't help Linux to boot.

At first sight ACPI (without pci=noacpi) seemed to work but pressing the
power button didn't generate any events although the power button was
detected properly during boot.

After all i think i know why P2B-S and -DS are blacklisted. The board
with on-board SCSI controller are messed up somehow.

I haven't tried to install BIOS 1014beta3 yet. BIOS 1014beta2 is
currently installed but i guess the update won't solve anything.

With acpi=ht it works for now, but doesn't acpi=ht imply pci=noacpi?

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