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SubjectRe: /var/lib/nfs/sm/ files
On Wednesday 08 January 2003 12:50, Christian Reis wrote:
> - Why don't all the diskless workstations get an entry in that
> directory while they are running? Right now I have 5 running, and
> only one has an entry there.

...because only clients that are currently holding POSIX locks will have an

> - Why do most entries' mtime get updated periodically, but a few of
> the entries go stale with time?

The file should get deleted every time the client releases all locks and
successfully manages to notify the server that it is stopping monitoring.

> - Why do some of the stale entries get left over even after the
> workstations have halted (these ones present the nfs hang issue)?

As I've told you before: 'stale' entries, as you call them, indicate that the
rpc.statd never managed to notify the server that it should stop monitoring.
It indicates either the server or the client crashed before the POSIX locks
held by the client got released, or possibly that the rpc.statd processes
crashed (or got 'kill -9' ed).

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