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    SubjectRe: Undelete files on ext3 ??
    > > > > Therefore, it's time for somebody to put a 'dumpster` in all the Linux
    > > > > file-systems. Somebody should then modify `rm` and the kernel unlink
    > > > > to `mv' files to the dumpster directory on the file-system, instead of
    > > > > really deleting them.

    [snip discussion about a temporary directory for deleted files]

    > Yes. But we could do better. Since no program uses the __syscall
    > interface directly, wraping unlink in libc would affect all programs
    > including rm. It could even be done withou recompiling anything using

    I disagree. This is the wrong goal to be aiming for.

    A temporary directory for deleted files can, and should be,
    implemented in userspace.

    What is much more interesting is the possibility of what I described
    earlier in the thread as a virtual WORM device, and what Andreas
    said could be done with LVM already using filesystem snapshots -
    I.E. the ability to mount the filesystem as it was at any date and
    time in the past.

    However, as far as I can see, LVM snapshots are a manual process - the
    user has to expressly create a snapshot when they want it.

    What I was thinking of was a virtual device that allocated a new
    sector whenever an old one was overwritten - kind of like a journaled
    filesystem, but without the filesystem, (I.E. just the journal) :-).

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