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SubjectRe: linux i386 stack trace

George already gave you some good info.
Here's a little more that might help.

On Wed, 8 Jan 2003, Roets, Chris (Tru64&Linux support) wrote:

| I known nothing about i386 calling conventions, but I would like to analyse a kernel stack.
| I have the following stack trace :
| STACK TRACE FOR TASK: 0xc4cb6000(vi)
| 0 schedule+770 [0xc01130e2]
| 1 schedule_timeout+18 [0xc0112d42]
| 2 do_select+513 [0xc0140a11]
| 3 sys_select+820 [0xc0140db4]
| 4 system_call+44 [0xc0106f14]
| ebx: 00000001   ecx: bffff700   edx: 00000000   esi: bffff680
| edi: 00000000   ebp: bffff798   eax: 0000008e   ds:  002b
| es:  002b       eip: 4010e0ee   cs:  0023       eflags: 00000202
| esp: bffff630   ss:  002b
| ================================================================

The debugger has already listed all of the kernel symbols that
it can associate with addresses on the stack, here:

| >> dump -x 3301670612 40
| 0xc4cb7f04:       c0112d47 schedule_timeout+23 <<<<<
| 0xc4cb7f34:       c0140a16 do_select+518 <<<<<
|              c0140db9 sys_select+825 <<<<<
| can anybody point me out where the arguments and the local variables are ?
| take for example
| int do_select(int n, fd_set_bits *fds, long *timeout)
| {
|        poll_table table, *wait;
|        int retval, i, off;
|        long __timeout = *timeout;

|       ......
| I t has 3 arguments and tree local variable
| I would be nice to have the same for ia64

Actually it has 6 local variables, and they might not be allocated
any space on the stack at all. They could all be in registers,
or a few of them in registers and others on the stack.

The arguments are pushed onto the stack (for x86), as George indicated.


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