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    SubjectRe: Why is Nvidia given GPL'd code to use in closed source drivers?
    Tomas Szepe <> writes:

    >Even if I overlook that you're effectively comparing the incomparable,
    >Microsoft making 370 times more than RedHat says _nothing_ about their
    >actual achievement in terms of software development. Should you insist

    You might simply open your eyes and look around you before you utter
    such ridicioulous statements.

    % cd /home/mirror/RFC
    % for i in rfc*.txt; do head -20 $i | grep -iq microsoft; if [ "x$?" = "x0" ]; then echo $i; fi; done | wc -l
    102 102 1224 /tmp/rfc-log
    % for i in rfc*.txt; do head -20 $i | grep -iq 'red hat'; if [ "x$?" = "x0" ]; then echo $i; fi; done | wc -l
    % for i in rfc*.txt; do head -20 $i | grep -iq 'redhat'; if [ "x$?" = "x0" ]; then echo $i; fi; done | wc -l

    So in terms of "RFC contributions" which are the established and
    accepted base on which to build the internet and "open software", the
    score is

    Microsoft Corporation vs. Red Hat Inc.
    102 : 0

    Some examples:

    rfc1877: PPP Internet Protocol Control Protocol Extensions for Name Server Addresses
    rfc2069/2617: An Extension to HTTP : Digest Access Authentication
    rfc2193: IMAP4 Mailbox Referrals
    rfc2237: Japanese Character Encoding for Internet Messages
    rfc2338: Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol
    rfc2342: IMAP4 Namespace
    rfc2445: Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification (iCalendar)
    rfc2518/3253: HTTP Extensions for Distributed Authoring -- WEBDAV
    rfc2565: Internet Printing Protocol/1.0: Encoding and Transport
    rfc2616: Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1 (Yup. Microsoft)
    rfc2661: Layer Two Tunneling Protocol "L2TP"
    rfc2782: A DNS RR for specifying the location of services (DNS SRV)
    rfc2989: Criteria for Evaluating AAA Protocols for Network Access (Microsoft. Sun. Cisco. Nokia.)


    Dipl.-Inf. (Univ.) Henning P. Schmiedehausen -- Geschaeftsfuehrer
    INTERMETA - Gesellschaft fuer Mehrwertdienste mbH

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