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SubjectRe: [CHECKER] 31 potential interprocedural array bounds error/buffer overruns in 2.5.53
Good point. Will do.. -yichen

On Thu, 30 Jan 2003, Randy.Dunlap wrote:

> Hi-
> One small thing that we need to see a change/fix to is this summary
> list of file names. It needs to be more complete, i.e., not dropping
> some parts of the path name.
> | # Summary for
> | # IP-specific errors = 31
> | # /dev/null-specific errors = 0
> | # Common errors = 0
> | # Total = 31
> | # BUGs | File Name
> | 10 | /media/bt856.c >should be drivers/media/video/bt856.c
> | 4 | /drivers/cdu31a.c >should be drivers/cdrom/...
> | 4 | /drivers/qlogicisp.c >should be drivers/scsi/...
> | 2 | /drivers/cpqfcTSworker.c >should be drivers/scsi/...
> | 1 | /drivers/sym53c416.c >ditto
> | 1 | /media/tvaudio.c >drivers/media/video/...
> | 1 | /drivers/eata.c >drivers/scsi/...
> | 1 | /drivers/u14-34f.c >etc. etc. etc.
> | 1 | /drivers/floppy.c
> | 1 | /isdn/isdn_common.c
> | 1 | /media/saa7110.c
> | 1 | /pnp/core.c
> | 1 | /drivers/moxa.c
> | 1 | /drivers/i82092.c
> | 1 | /drivers/aha1542.c
> Thanks,

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