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    SubjectRe: Perl in the toolchain
    On Fri, Jan 31, 2003 at 10:38:27PM +0100, J.A. Magallon wrote:
    > So in short, kernel people:
    > - do not want perl in the kernel build
    Correct, at least for mainstream architectures.
    The rationale here is that we already put a lot of constraints on what
    tools people need to build a kernel. If we can avoid an extra
    _mandatory_ tool then this will make life easier for a lot of people.

    For optional features additional requirements are OK, for example
    to geneate docbook documentation a lot of extra stuff is needed.

    > - allow qt to pollute the kernel to have a decent gui config tool
    It would be good to get a replacement, but until that shows up.
    Then yes an optional frontend that uses qt is OK.
    kconfig is prepared for and one gtk frontend is on the way.
    If someone comes up with a decent perl based frontend ten that could be

    > - but perl will be needed anyways

    > instead of
    > - do all parsing in perl, that is what perl is for and what is mainly done
    > in kconfig scripts
    flex and bison is better for this job.

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