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SubjectRe: downtime
On Jan 31, 2003  13:14 -0800, Larry McVoy wrote:
> Our T1 supplier, Global Crossing, is repairing a router at midnight
> Saturday PST. Expected downtime is 3 hours but you never know. If
> it turns out that they screw things up, we'll physically move
> to a different location Sunday or Monday.

Actually, with BK it should be possible to have read only clones on
multiple servers, should it not? Not that I'm saying BK should foot
the bill to do that, but having read-only clones of the primary kernel
trees would avoid most downtime.

I suppose it would be difficult for two servers to do a merge with
conflicts by themselves so multiple write clones are probably not super
desirable, but read-only clones should be pretty easy to set up and
keep up-to-date via "bk pull" (or even "bk push" triggered by a commit

You could allow writing on a single read-only clone while the primary
is down and then update the primary when you move back, if that was an
issue, although I'm guessing that the DNS updates would take longer to
propagate than most outages.

I wonder if any of the mirror sites would be interested in
hosting a clone of one or more BK repositories.

Cheers, Andreas
Andreas Dilger

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