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SubjectBootscreen suggestions that don't involve kernel modifications
> The problem is not necessarily the init scripts. Each
> distributor can customise these quite easily. The problem
> is (how I see it) divided into two parts:
> I. The kernel messages. (And yes, I do know
> about both, "quiet" and "console=/foo/bar)
> II. Both, using "quiet" or "console=/foo/bar",
> and customising the init scripts only leaves
> you with a blank, black screen. Now, you might
> argue how "classic" or "beatieful" black is.
> But it should be obvious this is an absolute
> matter of taste. A nice picture is far more
> appealing, and pleasing, and whatnot.

I don't think it is appropriate to include graphical boot screen
capabilities in the kernel. There are better ways to achieve what you
want to do:

* Verbose start-up messages on the console
Leave things how they are

* No start up messages on the console
Either use the quiet option, or re-direct the output to serial console
or another virtual terminal.

* Graphical boot screen
Do not have the VGA card configured as a console device at all. Set
the console output to a serial port for debugging, if necessary. Have
the bootloader configure the VGA card, and display the graphic. Boot
in to X, and let X re-configure the VGA card at startup.

Where no console is available for diagnostic messages, the keyboard
LEDs could be lit up in sequence to indicate that the system is

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