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SubjectScaring the non-geeks (was Bootscreen)
> Hmmm, I think the traditional text diagnostic messages are best kept
> as they are, otherwise we'll end up with bug reports like this:
> Date: Jan 28 14:39:29 2006
> Subject: Kernel 3.6.2 boot failiure
> To:
> Hi,
> I just upgraded from 3.6.1, which booted fine, to 3.6.2, which stops
> after Tux has waved twice, and winked his left eye.

The point is that Linux should allow for a user-friendly image (yes! possibly
with Tux winking with the eyes or something - in a Mac sorta way). This will
allow for higher user-friendlyness, but should be turned off by default. That
way, SuSE, RedHat and the rest can turn it on if they want to do support
without the verbose messaging. Perhaps do it like 'if splash screen's active,
one can disable it by holding SHIFT or something pressed down'.

I don't know about you, but most non-technical people DO NOT LIKE verbose
messages they can't understand. My father was scared by the linux bootup when
I installed Linux on their PC. I beleive most non-techies like the 'windows
is now hopefully starting' screen. It shields the info they don't want.

So please - don't scare the 'normal' people with (in their eyes) verbose crap.


Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk, Datavaktmester
ProntoTV AS -
Tel: +47 9801 3356

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