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SubjectRe: [PATCH 2.5.59] support japanese JP106 keyboard on new console.
> > The keymapping on my Japanese keyboard changes quite a bit when it's
> > set up to use set 3, instead of the default set 2. I've temporarily
> > switched back to using set 2, until I've got time to set it up
> > properly, but the language keys don't function in set 2, (they
> > generate the same scancode as the space bar).
> >
> > Let me know if I can provide any extra info from this keyboard - it's
> > an IBM 5576 Keyboard-2, part number 94X1110.
> If you can provide the complete key -> scancode table for that keyboard,
> or at least differences against standard US keyboard for both set 2 and
> set 3, that'd be great.

OK, half way through writing it down, I've realised what is happening
- in set 2, the keyboard seems to be emulating another keyboard
layout, (but apparently not a US or UK one).

For example, ; and : are on different keys. Shift ; gives + and shift
: gives *

The keycodes generated, though, show up as follows:

; - 39
shift ; (+) - 13
: - 42, 39, release 39, release 42
shift : (*) - 9

So, if I press : on it's own, the keyboard actually simulates pressing
shift and ;

Likewise, if I press right-shift and @ to get ` the keyboard actually
sends a release 54 as soon as I press @, even though I'm still holding
down right-shift, then sends 41, release 41, then 54

I suspect set 3 will producde a more direct mapping of a single
keycode for each key, but we shall see...

I'll send along the complete list when I've finished it, (it's taking
ages :-) ).

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