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SubjectRe: ieee1394: Node 01:1023 has non-standard ROM format (0 quads), cannot parse
On Thu, Jan 23, 2003 at 08:35:35PM -0500, desrt wrote:
> Hello.
> I just got a new plextor combo (read dvd, write cd) drive and installed
> it into my firewire drive enclosure. The CD-ROM drive that was in there
> previously was working fine. I am using an Audigy as my firewire
> controller.
> Now, on attach/power on/modprobe ohci1394/etc I get this message:
> ieee1394: Node 01:1023 has non-standard ROM format (0 quads), cannot
> parse

Every 1394 device is required to have a Config ROM directory. The
directory has to be _atleast_ 4 quads for basic information to be
extracted and allow the subsystem to use the device. Without even 1 quad
it cannot even verify the magic '1', '3', '9', '4' quad at the start of

If one cdrom works in the enclosure and another doesn't, then I suspect
something is weird with the enclosure's detection of the device you
placed in it. Are you sure that the master/slave jumpers are set
correctly for the enclosure? Anything else it needs?

> If anybody has experienced this before, has any ideas, would like
> information about the problem or even knows of a better forum to direct
> this question to, your help would be greatly appreciated. Please CC: me
> a copy of your reply as I am not on the list. has a compatibility list. You can also email

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