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    SubjectRe: debate on 700 threads vs asynchronous code
    Lee Chin wrote:
    > Hi
    > I am discussing with a few people on different approaches to solving a scale problem I am having, and have gotten vastly different views
    > In a nutshell, as far as this debate is concerned, I can say I am writing a web server.
    > Now, to cater to 700 clients, I can
    > a) launch 700 threads that each block on I/O to disk and to the client (in reading and writing on the socket)
    > OR
    > b) Write an asycnhrounous system with only 2 or three threads where I manage the connections and stack (via setcontext swapcontext etc), which is progromatically a little harder

    You could also write something with async non-blocking IO and use NO threads
    (ie, just a single process), which
    may greatly simplify the debugging of your program (unless the developer(s) on your
    project are very good at threaded programming already).

    I suspect the async IO will perform better as well, but that is just an
    un-founded opinion based on not wanting to think about scheduling 700 processes
    that want to do IO :)

    > Which way will yeild me better performance, considerng both approaches are implemented optimally?
    > Thanks
    > Lee

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