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SubjectRe: ANN: LKMB (Linux Kernel Module Builder) version 0.1.16

> And what's exactly wrong with the other 99% solution of putting it in
> /usr/src/linux-`uname -r` ? This has exactly the same advantages but
> doesn't mix up between development and runtime environment; /usr/src
> is clearly where source belongs and /lib/modules is an install target.

back then the argument (not mine btw) was that /usr on a lot of machines
is RO (I think debian has an option for that) so that sysadmins there
compile stuff in /root. /lib/modules however IS standardized and needs
to be writable to install a new kernel so making a symlink to the real
place there isn't too bad. In addition it already is the only directory
with per kernel files.. adding a second one was judged not needed. It
has to be somewhere. /lib/modules/ or /usr/src.. who cares. Linus made
the final call and everybody complies with it since then, just because
it doesn't matter THAT much. It just needs to be SOMEWHERE standard and
/lib/modules suffices so far it seems.
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