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SubjectRe: Promise PDC20268 FastTrack 100 TX2 (PDC20268)
> I have a Promise FastTrack 100 TX2 (PDC20268) IDE-controller
> (BIOS v2.00.0.24) used in a linux MD-RAID. Aside from various
> other annoying Promise-problems, I am not able to perform a
> remote boot because the brain-dead Promise-BIOS "complains" that
> no array is defined, and requires one to press ESC to continue
> booting. I would very much appreciate any tips as to how I can
> circumvent this "feature".

Well, if you don't usually need a keyboard on that machine, in theory,
you might be able to connect the keyboard input to the PS/2 mouse port
of another machine, and write a program to send the correct bytes for
that keypress to the other machine. Then, you could reboot the
machine with the Promise card in it, then log in to the other machine,
and run the program to send the keypress.

Not sure how practical this solution would be though... You'd
probably have to simulate the keyboard initialisation responses as
well, which would make it a bit complicated

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