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SubjectRe: Is the BitKeeper network protocol documented?
As far as I can tell your complaint is that you can't have access to
the up to minute source view without using something which violates
your politics.

The fact that you can get almost real time views via one of many BK to
tarball/patch mirrors seems to not be good enough.

I guess I don't know how to help you. As far as I can tell, if Linus
wasn't using BK he'd still be doing what he was doing up until he started
using BK which means you wouldn't have the option of the up to date
snapshots you can currently get.

The basis of your complaint seems to be "BK makes some things possible
which weren't possible before, my politics don't let me use BK but I
want the advantages which would come from using BK". I'm sorry, but
I don't know what to do to help you. The part of BK you'd like me to
disclose is something that we consider quite valuable and unique to our
product and we have no intention of disclosing how it works.

I fail to see why this is such a big deal, you now have up to the
hour snapshots in the form you want where before you had to wait weeks
between releases. That's a dramatic improvement over what you had a
year ago and complaining that you can't have up to the minute views of
the source when the only reason is your politics, well, is it going to
seem really unreasonable if I think that maybe your politics are getting
in the way of your technical goals?
Larry McVoy lm at
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