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SubjectRe: [OT] Whole thing about GNU/Linux and Linux
* Steve Lion ( wrote:
> I am simply a person who uses the Linux operating system. Nothing else.

personally, i'm using the debian operating system...

most of the issues around this are that $MONOPOLY users don't 'get' the
whole linuxy thing, where the kernel is functionally seperate from the
userland stuff. calling the operating system linux, or even gnu/linux,
is hopelessly inaccurate - the user runs gnu/bsd/blahblahblahblah
software on a system consisting of a linux kernel, plus whatever stuff
the distribution they installed chose to use to manage their box.
(daemons etc)

if we educate people to the point where they understand the difference
between linux the kernel and linux-using operating systems, i suspect
this problem will largely fade away on its own.


wh33, y1p33 3tc.
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