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    SubjectRe: Detecting changes in a directory tree
    On Thursday 16 January 2003 19:59, Adrian Bunk wrote:
    > with a kernel >= 2.4.19 dnotify [1] might do what you want.

    Close, but is doesn't do it quite for me. I understand the problem of
    traversing inodes back up the tree, once they have changed, to see
    whether someone wants to receive an event. However I am not convinced
    that this is necessary. The idea I had was the following:

    I would like to have a passthrough kind of filesystem (lets call is myfs
    for now) that can mount other parts of the filesystem and just maps
    everything to the original tree. For instance, I would mount /var on
    /mnt/var, using myfs. Everything from /mnt/var is directly mapped to

    The clue of this is that myfs *knows* about the notification, because it
    has to send notification to userspace for *every* inode. So if anything
    is written in /mnt/var, it can notify userspace. BTW for my app it
    would be acceptable that direct changes in /var don't lead to any

    I haven't thought out the interface to userspace yet, but I think that
    can be worked out. Let me know if I'm making any sense here.

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