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SubjectRe: Nvidia and its choice to read the GPL "differently"
Hello Larry!

Tue, 14 Jan 2003 11:06:00 -0800, you wrote:

> Please, just go away.

An admirable proof of your respect for freedom and democracy: you don't
agree with him, so you ask him to go away.

> Nobody here buys what you are peddling.

Speak for yourself.

> Every time you post, someone follows up with "I used to respect and
> admire the goals of the FSF and now I don't".

Every time I read a message from Richard, I read a message from a
reasonable person, who believe in higher things that just his own
private interests, and who tries to promote freedom in a world where
profit and buisness is more and more the only law. For that, I'm glad
to read him, and I'll never be able to thank him enough.

I never saw Richard using insults, personals attacks, or such attitude
that you, defenders of non-free software tends to use. I always seen
rationals, reasons, facts and his own personal convictions. I don't
always agree with him, but even if I don't agree with him, I'm happy
to read what he has to say.

Sure, I agree with most of his goals, and I'm fervent supporter of
Free Software and of the Free Software Foundation. But this has no
direct link with what I think of Richard. Even if you disagree with
him, you should at least admit that he's an honest and reasonable
person, trying to defend his views without falling back to personal
attack or insults, and that his goal is to defend _us_, all of people
who use computers. So, please stop your personnal attacks against him,
and fight his arguments with other rational arguments if you disagree.
This is the way democracy works. This is the way free and responsible
people behave together.

> You come back with "It's a shame that *others* have made you do
> that" and apparently you are blind to the fact that it is *your
> actions* which are making your supporters drop like flies.

At least for me, it's by hearing to Richard's talk that I understood
how important Free Software his, and that GNU/Linux is not just a
cheap technical toy.

Gael Le Mignot "Kilobug" - -
GSM : (in France) ICQ UIN : 7299959
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