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    SubjectRe: [OffTopic] [apology] any chance of 2.6.0-test*?
    I'm still getting messages in my inbox about it, but I'm dropping this whole
    goto thread nonsense.

    Some people (ok, at least 4 on this thread) have accused me of being "an
    arrogant beginner" (some by private e-mail, some with less friendly words
    but with the same basic meaning).. (about 2 or 3 others told me "not to
    leave" but rather to "tone down")

    I must apologize, but also comment that arrogance is not my intention. It's
    a de facto symptom of a biological illness I have. I hope you wouldn't hold
    it against me. I am taking medications to control it (maybe not so
    succssfully, but I'm up to 14 pills a day now), and apologize when it gets
    in the way of the normal flow of discussions here.

    It (The symptom in question) is called "Grandiosity" or "Inflated Sense of
    Self Worth" depending on the reference but here's some places where you can
    find the symptoms listed:
    Refers to "Grandiose Thinking", "Inflated Self Esteem", and something
    others may have seen on thist list, "Lack of insight"...
    Refers more officially to "inflated self-esteem or grandiosity", and is
    listed as the first symptom under "mania"

    I'd suggest reading to educate yourself on the fact that you should no more
    make fun of me for being grandiose than you should make fun of a retarded
    person for being slow. It's a legitimate disabiliity, and I can actually
    collect social secutiy for it (and might go that route, it pays around
    $1500/month to stay home).

    Anyway, my point is that if I seem all that high and mighty in my tone, I'm
    not really that way in general (I'm really a nice guy). I don't know how to
    communicate that effectively, and I don't know that it matters.

    I also thank those who have pointed out the arrogance in my tone if indeed
    it was there. I have a therapist appointment in three hours and will
    definitely bring it up.

    Please do _not_ respond to this message on the list -- or if you do, don't
    quote it, it's off topic. I just wanted to generally send an apology to the
    few people who haven't already filterred me out as a result of my behavior.


    p.s. If I've gotten "black listed" (filtered,. procmailed, etc) so quickly
    by so many on this list so quickly, can you imagine how quickly I've
    probably (before even getting on this list) I've been blacklisted in the job
    market by former employers based on my behaviors there prior to quitting
    (they could not fire me for same behaviors due to the americans with
    disabilities act). A friend of mine claims he's seen my name on a corporate
    blacklist. I didn't ask for proof, but presumed he was right. It's only
    fair that social security exists to protect people like me from becoming
    completely homeless, and that they offer section 8 housing for mentally ill
    folk like myself whch one day (after my parents grow old and die) I will
    probably have to take advantage of..

    p.p.s. I'm writing from window now as anyone looking at headers might figure
    out.. I know, "bad".. But I'm spending about 80% of my time in linux and 20%
    in windows which I think is fair. The thought of apologizing came to me
    now, and I happenned to have been in windows, so this is where I'm writing

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