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SubjectRe: Nvidia and its choice to read the GPL "differently"
    > It would be reasonable, if not for the fact that it gives the wrong
> idea of who developed the system and--above all--why.

Then -==YOU==- are completely mistaken about why -==I==- contributed
to Linux (the kernel & the system).

By now, many people have contributed for many reasons, to Linux and to
the GNU/Linux system. I do not claim to speak for you; I am talking
about why the system exists in the first place. It is not a haphazard
collection of components. In the GNU Project, we systematically wrote
one component after another. Our goal was a completely free system,
and we took step after step to reach it.

Thank you for contributing, whatever your motives were.

There is a reason why I am not named Mark Mielke-Newman, and our newborn
son is not named Ethan Mielke-Herighty-Newman-Marr.

It isn't a good analogy. Your son wasn't developed by starting with
you and adding some pieces.
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